Old Photos

Thursday, January 8, 2009

When back to my hometown, I have so many free time and nothing to do beside open my laptop. Then i decide to take a break from laptop and do something else.

I look at my bookshelves and want to look again some old magazines/comics that in the end I just did it a while and stop it when I found old photos that my young sister keep in a folder.

Those are photos when we were kids. I found it quite cute then want to take photo of those old photos, so the photos I put on floor and go out from my room to take my camera that I put at living room.

After half hour I already forgot want to take photos and do something else.
My mom come inside my room and found the photos that I put on the floor and start smiling.
Then my mom ask me where did I get the photos while she still smiling. I said that I get the pic from the bookshelves and my young sister keep it there. My mom still see those pics and still smiling and laughing that make me laugh also. :P
My mom keep asking weird questions like "whose birthday is it" etc that makes me even laugh louder. At night I told my father about this and my father laugh and say the one who should ask is me not my mom..xD


Guess..which one is me? I'm lady in red :D